Some are quite docile, drinking alone until they pass out, meaning no harm to anyone. But those who have a hard time controlling anger when sober can be triggered after a few drinks. They may have poor coping skills for anger control whether or not they are drinking. Alcohol dependence can be closely tied to aggressive behaviors. Some people are more prone to trouble controlling their anger while drinking than others. People who are more focused on the present than the future are more likely to become angry and aggressive under the influence of alcohol, for example, Science Daily publishes.

alcoholism and anger issues

They completed surveys assessing their endorsement of traditional masculine norms, use of thought suppression, and both trait and alcohol-related aggression. It was found that thought suppression mediated the association between the toughness masculine norm and alcohol-related aggression. Another study of 249 heavy drinkers similarly found that alcohol intoxication predicted higher levels of IPV in those who reported low psychological flexibility (Grom et al., 2021). Alcohol inhibits prefrontal cortex activity, thus impairing reasoning, impulse control, and emotional regulation. The key is to take care of those feelings within yourself, to be your own friend, to be your own counselor. That is what helps you to heal; that is what actually breaks the addictive cycle.

The Anger Iceberg: How Emotions Affect Everything, Including Alcoholism

There’s no better way to put it — properly addressing alcohol-fueled aggression is crucial for your well-being and relationships. By seeking recovery for problems with alcohol and anger, you can work toward a more positive life. Does a support group seem like it might be out of your comfort zone? Attending one-on-one therapy with a licensed therapist can help you work through anger issues in a more private setting.

On the flip side, alcohol dependence commonly leads to significant withdrawal symptoms that are often side effects of alcohol addiction. Emotional withdrawal symptoms can include agitation, anxiety, depression, irritability, and tension as well as sleep disturbances, insomnia, and physical discomfort. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to poor choices in behavior. Anger and alcohol abuse often go together, and it can be hard to control your behavior when you are intoxicated. If you are a person who struggles with anger issues when you are sober, these problems are only going to get worse when you are under the influence of alcohol. At an alcohol addiction rehab program in San Antonio, TX, help is available.

Less Cognitive Function

This article discusses some of the facts behind the stereotype of the “angry drunk” and explores the connection between anger and alcohol. When someone battles AUD, they are also less likely to consistently take care of regular obligations, which can impact interpersonal relationships and their home environment. These issues can then lead to more anger and further difficulty controlling emotions and outbursts.

Binge drinking, in particular, increases the risk of behaving aggressively and being harmed by other people’s anger. As with all co-occurring disorders, it’s important to treat anger management issues and AUD at the same time as part of a comprehensive treatment program. People who struggle with anger management often also abuse drugs or alcohol.

The Link Between Anger and Alcoholism

A 2017 study showed that men under the influence of alcohol had higher rates of physical and sexual aggression. Drinking helps someone escape their negative emotion of anger, and feeling angry lets them avoid the fact that drinking has become a problem. The two feed off one another and can be dangerous to their health and well-being. Consuming alcohol can serve as a distraction from a range of negative feelings, including anger. And all too often, as in Ryan’s case, it reflects displacement, directing anger toward a target that is not the source of an individual’s original anger. The idea of the “angry drunk” isn’t a positive one, but it does have some merit to it.

It’s easy to get caught up in concern over your loved one’s issues. Anger and resentment can enable further issues with problem drinking. Offer to help your loved one find treatment for alcoholism and other issues like anxiety or depression that could be complicating matters. It can alcohol and anger cause problems with the heart, leading to high blood pressure and stroke. Heavy drinking will also have an impact on the liver, leading to fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver. It can cause problems with the pancreas and even increase the risk of developing several types of cancer.

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